Find your origin

An adventure back in time, now you can!

Lino Tour organizes tours to discover the origins of their ancestors, that between the late 800 and the first half of '900, left the Campania, and moved to the United States.

At the time, those who emigrated were not going to stay forever in the United States, however, the change of life led them to settle overseas with their families, thus putting aside the dream of returning to Italy.

Currently, many descendants of Italian-Americans show interest to rediscover their origins in places that have given birth to their ancestors started many years ago. For this reason, Lino Tour is committed to helping interested parties to seek birth certificates of their ancestors in the municipal archives to guide them back to their country of origin.

We will be happy to act as translators, nell'interloquire with the elders of the place, which with a bit of luck they might remember your family!

 Find your origin in Sorrento and Amalfi Coast